A29040B datasheet and Application Note, Data Sheet, Circuit, PDF, Pinout | Datasheet Archive

A29040B datasheet and Application Note, Data Sheet, Circuit, PDF, Pinout | Datasheet Archive

􀂄 5.0V ± 10% for read and write operations
􀂄 Access times:
- 55/70/90 (max.)
􀂄 Current:
- 20 mA typical active read current
- 30 mA typical program/erase current
- 1 µA typical CMOS standby
􀂄 Flexible sector architecture
- 8 uniform sectors of 64 Kbyte each
- Any combination of sectors can be erased
- Supports full chip erase
- Sector protection:
A hardware method of protecting sectors to prevent
any inadvertent program or erase operations within
that sector
􀂄 Embedded Erase Algorithms
- Embedded Erase algorithm will automatically erase the
entire chip or any combination of designated sectors
and verify the erased sectors

- Embedded Program algorithm automatically writes and
verifies bytes at specified addresses
􀂄 Typical 100,000 program/erase cycles per sector
􀂄 20-year data retention at 125°C
- Reliable operation for the life of the system
􀂄 Compatible with JEDEC-standards
- Pinout and software compatible with single-powersupply
Flash memory standard
- Superior inadvertent write protection
􀂄 Data Polling and toggle bits
- Provides a software method of detecting completion of
program or erase operations
􀂄 Erase Suspend/Erase Resume
- Suspends a sector erase operation to read data from,
or program data to, a non-erasing sector, then
resumes the erase operation
􀂄 Package options
- 32-pin P-DIP, PLCC, or TSOP (Forward type)

General Description
he A29040B is a 5.0 volt-only Flash memory organized as
524,288 bytes of 8 bits each. The 512 Kbytes of data are
further divided into eight sectors of 64 Kbytes each for flexible
sector erase capability. The 8 bits of data appear on I/O0 - I/O7
while the addresses are input on A0 to A18. The A29040B is
offered in 32-pin PLCC, TSOP, and PDIP packages. This
device is designed to be programmed in-system with the
standard system 5.0 volt VCC supply. Additional 12.0 volt VPP
is not required for in-system write or erase operations.
However, the A29040B can also be programmed in standard
EPROM programmers.
The A29040B has a second toggle bit, I/O2, to indicate whether
the addressed sector is being selected for erase, and also
offers the ability to program in the Erase Suspend mode. The
standard A29040B offers access times of 55, 70 and 90 ns,
allowing high-speed microprocessors to operate without wait
states. To eliminate bus contention the device has separate
chip enable ( CE ), write enable ( WE ) and output enable
(OE ) controls.
The device requires only a single 5.0 volt power supply for both
read and write functions. Internally generated and regulated
voltages are provided for the program and erase operations.
The A29040B is entirely software command set compatible
with the JEDEC single-power-supply Flash standard.
Commands are written to the command register using
standard microprocessor write timings. Register contents
serve as input to an internal state-machine that controls the
erase and programming circuitry. Write cycles also internally
latch addresses and data needed for the programming and
erase operations. Reading data out of the device is similar to
reading from other Flash or EPROM devices.
Device programming occurs by writing the proper program
command sequence. This initiates the Embedded Program
algorithm - an internal algorithm that automatically times the
program pulse widths and verifies proper program margin.
Device erasure occurs by executing the proper erase
command sequence. This initiates the Embedded Erase
algorithm - an internal algorithm that automatically
preprograms the array (if it is not already programmed)
before executing the erase operation. During erase, the
device automatically times the erase pulse widths and verifies
The host system can detect whether a program or erase
operation is complete by reading the I/O7 (Data Polling) and
I/O6 (toggle) status bits. After a program or erase cycle has
been completed, the device is ready to read array data or
accept another command.
The sector erase architecture allows memory sectors to be
erased and reprogrammed without affecting the data contents
of other sectors. The A29040B is fully erased when shipped
from the factory.

The hardware sector protection feature disables operations for
both program and erase in any combination of the sectors of
memory. This can be achieved via programming equipment.
The Erase Suspend feature enables the user to put erase on
hold for any period of time to read data from, or program data
to, any other sector that is not selected for erasure. True
background erase can thus be achieved.
Power consumption is greatly reduced when the device is
placed in the standby mode.